PES activists are campaigning for a more democratic Europe starting with our own party, the Party of European Socialists. We believe that the individual members of all of the PES parties in the EU should choose our candidate for President of the European Commission at the next European Parliament elections in 2014. The PES is the progressive force in European politics. Well, let's progress, let's inject some more democracy into the EU.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Imagine ...
Just imagine the energy that would have been released and the passion that would have flowed if the PES had run a true, pan-European campaign for a new Social Europe that put People First.
Just imagine the difference that a PES President of the European Commission would have made to securing people's jobs and living standards in Europe during this crisis. The difference that would have begun to have been made to the lives of women and all the other demands for equality and inclusion in Europe. The difference that would have been made to protecting our world and moving to a green economy.
Just imagine the difference we would have made ...
Pour une primaire du PSE ! Un peu de pression démocratique...

Salut à tous,
‘Amis’ du collectif ‘27roses’ vous savez que nous soutenons toutes les actions ayant pour objectif de developper et démocratiser le socialisme Européen.
Ainsi, nous vous invitons chaleureusement à apporter votre soutien à la campagne pour une primaire du Parti Socialiste Européen. Un groupe facebook a été créé pour.
Allez-y et faîtes en l’invitation à vos amis, avoir des milliers de membres permettra de metre la pression pour tous les socialistes europénes pour un PSE plus démocratique et representatif.
Cela était notamment une promesse de Poul Nyrup Rassmussen au Congrès de Prague en 2009.
....Qu'une centaine de jours avant le congrès de Varsovie du PSE.
Bises européennes.
L’équipe 27roses
EDIT: equipe 27roses can be contacted here.
Alegeri preliminare in interiorul PES

Dar ce inseamna pentru noi activistii PES constructia unei democratii europene ?
Tratatul de la Lisabona stipuleaza ca Presedintele Comisiei Europene trebuie sa provina din partea familiei politice care castiga alegerile parlamentare europene.
Anul trecut, PES si partidele membre nu au reusit sa ajunga la un compromis cu privire la un candidat comun care sa conduca campania pentru alegerile pentru Parlamentul European. Vocea partidului a fost redusa la liniste si nu am reusit sa atragem atentia oamenilor din Europa pentru viziunea noastra asupra noii Europe Sociale.
Rezultatul a fost reinoirea mandatului lui Barosso si continuarea inertiei si complacerii guvernului European cu actuala criza economica, a excluderii sociale si a inegalitatilor. Cat de diferit ar fi fost raspunsul Europei la necesitatea crearii de locuri de munca, realizarea transformarii intr-o economie verde, incluziunii sociale si a egalitatii de gen daca am fi castigat alegerile si Comisia ar fi fost condusa de catre un social democrat European?
Nu putem sa facem aceleasi greseli din nou. In 2014, europenii se vor intoarce la urne pentru a alege viitorul Parlament European. PES a ajuns la concluzia ca a va alege un candidat pentru a ne conduce in aceasta campanie si sa maximizeze astfel perspectiva cresterii reprezentarii noastre in Parlamentul European. Dar acel candidat nu poate fi selectat in secret, sau doar de catre liderii si oficialii partidelor membre. Este necesar ca pentru democratizarea Europei, PES sa faca primul pas prin democratizarea sa.
Asa cum a spus Poul Nyrup Rasmussen la Madrid in 2008, “PES activists … constructorii unor poduri intre frontiere, creand o adevarata democratie peste frontiere.”
Vrem sa fim implicati in selectarea candidatului care va conduce partidul nostru in 2014.
Vrem sa facem din democratia europeana o realitate pentru cetatenii obisnuiti.
Dorim organizarea de alegeri preliminare, ce vor implica membrii partidelor PES din toata Europa, in vederea selectarii candidatului nostru pentru Presedintia Comisiei Europene.
Intra in Campania pentru alegeri primare in PES!
PES activists Romania sustine aceasta campanie, si mai mult decat atat intentioneaza sa propuna un posibil candidat pentru alegerile primare din Romania dintre personalitatile cele mai vizibile ale stangii romanesti pe scena internationala.
Pentru a face parte din campanie te poti inscrie AICI
EDIT: PES activists Romania can be contacted here.
FEPS paper on selecting PES candidate

Dr Ania Skrzypek, Policy Adviser with the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS), has written a fascinating academic article on the options available to the PES for the nomination and selection of a candidate for the Presidency of the European Commission in 2014.
The article examines a number of options for selecting a PES candidate for Commission President, including slecting the PES President ex-officio, having the PES Presidency (it's executive body) decide, leaving the decision to national party leaders and officials or opening the selection process to all members of PES parties by holding primary elections.
Ania's paper is available here.
Open Letter to PES activists and supporters

So said Poul Nyrup Rasmussn, PES President, in Madrid in 2008. But what does building European democracy mean for us, the activists of the PES?
The Lisbon Treaty mandates that the President of the European Commission must come from the political family that wins the European Parliament elections.
Last year the PES and its member parties were unable to agree on a candidate to lead our campaign in the European Parliament elections. Our party's voice was reduced to silence and we failed to attract the support of the people of Europe for our vision of a new Social Europe.
The result was the renewal of Barroso's mandate and continued inertia and complacency at the heart of Europe's government to deal with the economic crisis, social exclusion and the demands for greater equality. How different would Europe's response be to the need to create jobs, make the transformation to a green economy and secure social inclusion and gender equality if we had won those elections and the Commission was led by a European socialist or social democrat?
We cannot let the same mistakes be made again. In 2014 the people of Europe will return to the polls to elect the next European Parliament. The PES has agreed that we will select a candidate to lead us in that campaign and so maximise the prospect for increasing our representation in the European Parliament. But that candidate cannot be selected in secret, or only by the leaders and officials of the member parties. It is essential for the further democratisation of Europe that the PES lights the way and first democratise ourselves.
And as Poul Nyrup Rasmussen said in Madrid in 2008, "PES activists ... are the bridge-builders across frontiers, creating a true, cross-border democracy."
WE want to be involved in selecting the candidate who will lead our party in 2014.
WE want to make European democracy a reality for ordinary citizens.
WE demand the holding of primary elections, involving PES party members across Europe, to select our candidate for the Presidency of the European Commission.
Join the Campaign for a PES Primary!
Co-signed: Desmond O'Toole (Co-ordinator, PES activists Dublin)
José Reis Santos (Co-ordinator, PES activists Portugal)